About Me

I moved to Eastborough, Kansas in 2021 with my wife, daughter, and cats. I work as a Senior Product Engineering Architect for Cadence Design Systems, previously having retired after 27 years from Intel.

My education includes a B.A. in Mathematics from Princeton University, an M.S. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, and a New Jersey Teaching Certificate in Mathematics.

Now as a proud new Kansan, I'm also an outsider who can bring a fresh perspective to Kansas politics.

Why Erik Seligman for State Representative?

It’s time for some change in Kansas State Representative district 83. Here are some of the key points that would drive my agenda if elected:

  • - Reduce the tax burden on average Kansans. When my family moved here in 2021, we were disappointed to learn that Kansas has an exceptionally high tax burden for a “red state”. The small tax reductions passed in the June 2024 special session were a start, but there is much more to be done.
  • - Educational opportunity for children at all income levels. Every child is a unique individual, and deserves a variety of educational options, even if their parents cannot afford private school. We need to strengthen Kansas charter school laws, and expand school choice programs throughout the state.
  • - Protect children from unnecessary medical interventions with lifelong consequences. It has become increasingly clear that “gender-affirming” medical care allows children— many too young to get a tattoo— to decide on medical treatments that will affect the rest of their lives, and are not truly necessary. The incumbent voted against outlawing these treatments.
In addition, I will provide open and transparent communication at a level rarely displayed by any officeholder. When I previously served in elected office, on the board of one of Oregon’s largest school districts, I published a detailed blog describing my reasoning behind every major vote. You can still read it at https://hillsboroerik.com. You will always know exactly how I voted, and what my reasoning process was— and be able to meet me at monthly Constituent Coffees to share your view, whether you agree or disagree.

Please email (erik@wichitaerik.com) or call me (503-312-1665) if you have any questions, and I’ll look forward to receiving your vote!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Speaker Pro Tem Endorses Erik Seligman for District 83-- Don't Be Fooled By Misleading Mailings!

You may have recently received a mailer from my opponent with a huge quote by Kansas House Speaker Pro Tempore Blake Carpenter covering half the page, implying that he has his endorsement.   But this is not the case.  If you read carefully, Carpenter was praising him on one particular issue.   As I’ve mentioned before, my opponent is on the somewhat conservative side for a Democrat, so it’s not surprising that occasionally Republicans praise him on particular issues.    But Carpenter has clearly endorsed *me*, not my opponent, in the current election.  He has supplied the following quote:

I’m proud to endorse Erik Seligman because he will be a strong ally in cutting property taxes and reining in government spending.   The current incumbent often helps sustain the governor’s vetoes on commonsense reforms.  With the governor vowing to block property tax cuts in 2025, we need Erik to help us secure the votes to override her vetoes and bring much-needed relief to Kansans.

So, don’t let yourselves be fooled by my opponent’s misleading mailer!   As I pointed out in one of my other articles,   despite my opponent trying to push the meme that he’s a fiscal conservative, he cannot be relied on to stand up to the governor’s vetoes or significantly reduce taxes and spending.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Final Month of the Campaign

It's hard to believe it's only another month until Election Day.    Don't forget that there are a number of ways you can still help:

  • Spread the word:   Tell your friends about me, and invite them to follow my Facebook page.    If you have a small group of friends who wants to learn more, I'm happy to meet you for coffee sometime!
  • Get a yard sign:   I just got a new batch of signs.   Email (erik@wichitaerik.com) or call (503-312-1665) and I'll make sure to put one on your lawn.
  • Contribute money:   If you're doing well enough that you can afford to donate, every bit helps!   Email/call me to pick up a check, or Zelle the money directly to erik@wichitaerik.com .
Thanks again for all the support! 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Radio Interview tonight, Sun 9/29, on the John Whitmer Show (8:30)

 Hi everyone-- just a quick post to let you know that I'll be on the John Whitmer Show tonight (9/29) around 8:30.   This is a local Wichita talk show, broadcast on KNSS (98.7/1330) and over the web.   If you get a chance to listen, drop me an email & tell me what you thought!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cookies With The Candidate, Sunday 9/22, 3-5pm

Join us for Cookies with the Candidate at Kathie Cooper’s backyard (140 S Lynnwood Blvd) this Sunday, 9/22, from 3-5 pm.  Your voice is important:  meet me to share your thoughts, questions, and concerns.  

No charge or monetary contribution needed to attend- just bring yourselves & enjoy some delicious cookies!   All are welcome.   

And as always, if that time isn't good for you, you can email me at erik@wichitaerik.com to set up a chat some other time.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

A New Addition to My Campaign Staff

Meet Monkey, the newest addition to our family.    Technically she's a guest-- my sister is spending a year in Spain with her husband & kids, and figured that leaving her with us is better than the trauma of international travel, quarantine laws, etc.   

Not sure how much she'll directly contribute to the campaign, but cute animals get a lot more web views than political debates anyway!   

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Come Meet Me This Friday (8/30), 4-7PM, at Sweetpops

Join me for a casual “Meet the Candidate” event at Sweetpops (550 N Rock Rd) Friday 8/30 from 4-7pm. You can drop in any time during those hours to ask questions & discuss your concerns. Your voice matters, and this is a great chance to connect and share your thoughts. Whoever asks me the most interesting question will win a free massage at Sveta's!

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, August 18, 2024

School Choice, 2nd Amendment, Balanced Budgets, and Other Issues

Now that we are past the primary, let's discuss positions on a few more issues.   Some have advised me not to do this-  “You’re just giving your opponents ammo to use against you!”   My opponent certainly seems to be taking this advice, as his website still doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2020, and what is there in his Issues section is mostly just a few sentences of broad generalities and obvious fluff.    But that’s not the kind of campaign I want to run:  as I have mentioned before,  I promise to always clearly explain my position on issues of concern, even at the risk that you may not agree with everything I say.   I think open discussion is the key to making American government successful.

Although I am new to Kansas politics, I have served in elected office before, spending four years on the board of one of Oregon’s largest school districts, supervising the education of over 20,000 students.  While there, I continually published a blog explaining my votes and reasoning on key issues.   So today I’ll highlight some of my posts there, to help you better understand where I stand on various topics of importance. 

Here are links to some of the blog articles I wrote on issues debated/voted while serving on that school board.   There’s a lot here, so don’t try to read them all— but be sure to check out my articles on the topics that interest you.   If you want to discuss any of these further, or even if you disagree and want to try to convince me to change my mind, feel free to email me at erik@wichitaerik.com!

Preventing schools from distributing birth control without parent notification

Fairly distributing government money and positions, without insider privileges

Opposing minimum wage increases
        - Insulting The Poor

Not abusing school/government resources to advocate policy
        --   Children as Political Pawns

Supporting STEM (Science/Tech/Engineering/Math) Education