Now that we are past the primary, let's discuss positions on a few more issues. Some have advised me not to do this- “You’re just giving your opponents ammo to use against you!” My opponent certainly seems to be taking this advice, as his website still doesn’t seem to have been updated since 2020, and what is there in his Issues section is mostly just a few sentences of broad generalities and obvious fluff. But that’s not the kind of campaign I want to run: as I have mentioned before, I promise to always clearly explain my position on issues of concern, even at the risk that you may not agree with everything I say. I think open discussion is the key to making American government successful.
Although I am new to Kansas politics, I have served in elected office before, spending four years on the board of one of Oregon’s largest school districts, supervising the education of over 20,000 students. While there, I continually published a blog explaining my votes and reasoning on key issues. So today I’ll highlight some of my posts there, to help you better understand where I stand on various topics of importance.
Here are links to some of the blog articles I wrote on issues debated/voted while serving on that school board. There’s a lot here, so don’t try to read them all— but be sure to check out my articles on the topics that interest you. If you want to discuss any of these further, or even if you disagree and want to try to convince me to change my mind, feel free to email me at!
Supporting the 2nd Amendment
Preventing schools from distributing birth control without parent notification
Fairly distributing government money and positions, without insider privileges
Opposing waste of government resources & balancing budgets
Exposing & opposing racist and anti-semitic “Equity” programs
Not abusing school/government resources to advocate policy
Supporting STEM (Science/Tech/Engineering/Math) Education
Maintaining educational standards
Keeping your sense of humor