Monday, July 15, 2024

How You Can Help

Many thanks to those of you who have offered to help out my campaign, or may be thinking about doing so!    There are a number of ways you can promote my candidacy:

  • Tell your neighbors.   If you live in my district, this is the easiest thing to do— next time you are talking to your neighbors, mention me and this website ( .   If you think you’ll be talking to a lot of neighbors, email me and I can drop off some of my cards.
  • Host a lawn sign.    I have plenty of lawn signs ready to go!   Just email me with your address, and I’ll come by to place a sign on your lawn.
  • Arrange a meet & greet.   If you know a few people who would like to meet me or discuss my platform in more detail, I’d be happy to get together with them during an evening or weekend.   We could set up a time to meet at a local cafe, or I could drop by your house, whichever is most convenient.   
  • Invite me to an event.   If there is a local neighborhood, community, or political event that would be appropriate for me to show up at & discuss politics, please let me know.   I try to watch for such things, but it’s easy for me to miss one.
  • Donate.   If you have a few bucks to spare, I am going to raise funds to do some kind of promotion as the election approaches.   Just email me and I’ll stop by to pick up a check, or you can Zelle me at .   (If you choose the latter option, also email me your address and occupation, so I can comply with campaign finance rules.)

If you want to do any of the above, or help in other ways I didn’t mention, please email me at with a way to contact you, and I’ll be sure to get back to you.    Thanks for your support!

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